Wellness is a State of Mind!

Wellness is a State of Mind!

Wellness is a State of Mind! What you think on will become your experience. If you are always saying that you are tired, don’t have any energy and don’t feel good then you will be all of those things but if you say to yourself I am healthy and full of...
Simple is Good!

Simple is Good!

Today’s Thursday Thought is Simple is Good. In our busy, social media driven world, things with our lives and our health seem to get complicated. There are so many times when life is full of tasks, busyness and over thinking. It’s time to take a step back...
Moistest Banana Bread: Healthy? I think so!

Moistest Banana Bread: Healthy? I think so!

It’s Tuesday again, I teach class and I have another recipe. A Tasty Tuesday recipe! I promise I will blog about other wellness topics as time goes on. But until then, a tasty banana bread muffin is coming your way! YUM! Last week during my class, I was asked if...
Nutella – Who Doesn’t Love That?

Nutella – Who Doesn’t Love That?

It’s Tuesday and today is my day to teach at my local library.  We make a snack each week and sometimes it’s a hit and sometimes, like last week, I don’t think they will be making it at all. (Hence, that the recipe is not posted here.) Today’s...