Wellness is a State of Mind! What you think on will become your experience. If you are always saying that you are tired, don’t have any energy and don’t feel good then you will be all of those things but if you say to yourself I am healthy and full of energy, your mind begins to believe it and you will feel good and have more energy. Your body will respond accordingly.

So, why do I tell you this? When we are working on bettering ourselves, whether it is weight loss, meditation, exercise, drinking more water, anything for that matter that has to do with your well-being and wellness and we focus on what we didn’t do, like getting our exercise in or that we feel like a failure because we ate a sweet treat, we are putting those thoughts in the forfront and creating pathways in the brain that keep brining those negative experiences to us. When we focus on the learning we have gained from an experience or we think tomorrow is another day for success then we are bringing more positive experiences to us.

So, let’s just say this week you went to a party and there was all kinds of sweet treats that you just couldn’t resist. When you put your thoughts on the down turn and beat yourself up about it, you will be presented with that temptation again and again. When you turn that around and enjoy the wonderful flavor of the treat, take a minute to say to yourself, “That was delicious and I turely enjoyed it. I will be back on track tomorrow.” then you have put a positive spin on that treat and the next time you are in the same situation, you will be able to enjoy just a taste without guilt and will be able to get on with having success with your wellness and weight loss goals.

Take a minute to think about how your thoughts are helping or hindering your success. Change those brain pathways for success!

Here’s to your wellness!! ~Amy