A little bit of belly fat isn’t such a bad thing. Mid-life bodies change and women usually have a little bit more in the middle than they did when they were younger. And it helps to protect your vital organs, after all!

It’s a fine balancing act though as storing too much fat around your abdomen can be not such a good thing and has been linked to some health problems. We’re talking heart disease, diabetes and even some cancers, to name just a few of the things that it may set the scene for. Not a scene you really want to see. Am I right?

Some of the culprits are fairly obvious, especially if you’re eating a lot of processed foods and not doing much exercise. There can be some surprising reasons behind belly fat though and these can come into play even if you think you’re living a healthy lifestyle. Here are some of the factors that can make you more likely to store fat in your middle/belly area.

Factor #1 – You’re Eating Too Much Sugar and Trans Fats

If you eat a diet that contain a lot of processed sugar, you’ll probably be struggling to shift belly fat. According to much research, there is a definite link between the two. This is largely due to high fructose corn syrup, as well as other highly processed sugars in processed foods. There are also hidden sugars in products you don’t think should have sugar and there are multiple types of sugar in some of these products too. Take a look at your cereals, breads and jarred sauces. How many types of sugar do you see?

Trans fats are another big no-no if you want to avoid belly fat. These are pretty much the worst type of fat you can eat because they promote inflammation and they also encourage more fat to be stored on and around your abdomen. You want to look for trans fats on the nutrition label and you will want to look for hydrogenated oils in the ingredient list.

Factor #2 – Your Alcohol Intake

You’ve no doubt heard of a “beer belly” and this is something that can affect women too. Depending on how much you drink, it could be the culprit for stubborn belly fat. Some studies have shown that alcohol can make it harder to burn fat and makes it more likely that the extra calories it brings to the party are stored on and around the waistline. 

Factor #3 – You’re on a Low Protein Diet

If you want to stay trim, it’s really important to get enough protein in your diet. Protein helps you to feel more satisfied, keeps you fuller longer and can mean that you consume less calories. Low protein diets are also more likely to result in belly fat, according to some studies. People who eat a higher amount of  protein tend to have very little in the way of belly fat.

Factor #4 – You Don’t Eat Enough Fiber

If your diet is low in fiber, you can be more likely to store belly fat. Observational studies show that getting plenty of soluble fiber reduces the chances of this. In one study that involved over 1,100 men and women, every extra 10g of soluble fiber led to a 32% decrease in how much belly fat was stored. This has a lot to do with the fact that low fiber increases your appetite and belly fat. This is one of the reasons that I say it is best to eat a diet of whole foods mostly plants. Want to give that a try? Try out our healthy weight meal plans.

Factor #5 – You are Scared of Fat

Fat has had a bad reputation for years and you think you shouldn’t be eating it. Good fats can help you lose weight and keep belly fat to a minimum. I know this one is hard to swallow. You may need to change your thinking on this one. Fat is good not bad! At least 30% of your total calorie intake should come from fat. Monounsaturated fats like olive oil and avocados are one of the good fats and are important for satiety. You know they’ll help you to feel fuller for longer so you’re less likely to make unhealthy food choices that increase your potential for storing belly fat.

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Here’s to your wellness! ~Amy