Let’s talk plant based diets for a minute. I always promote a whole food diet of mostly plants and this recipe fits right into that. But, why is it important to eat mostly plants? Well, first and foremost, a diet that is high in fruits, veggies, beans, nuts, seeds and legumes has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body! Let me say that again, reduce inflammation which in turn lowers your risk of developing all kinds of conditions like diabetes, heart disease, certain types of cancer, cognitive decline and you can even control your weight. Now really, who doesn’t want that?

Give this fudgy treat a try and let me know what you think.


1 can (15 oz) black beans, drained and rinsed really well
1/3 cup maple syrup
1/3 cup Forager Project Organic Unsweetened Plain Dairy-Free Cashewmilk Yogurt
1/4 cup brown sugar or coconut sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1/3 cup grain free baking flour
1/3 cup cocoa powder
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp prepared ground flax egg replacement
2 tbsp avocado oil
1/4 cup & 2 tbsp vegan chocolate chips


  1. Preheat oven to 350*F
  2. Place all ingredients except chocolate chips in high speed blender or food processor (I used a NutriBullet)
  3. Blend until smooth
  4. Stir in ¼ cup of chocolate chips
  5. Grease bottom of baking dish – 8”x 8” or 9” round
  6. Pour batter into prepared baking dish
  7. Bake for 18 minutes then sprinkle remaining chocolate chips on top of cooking brownies
  8. Bake for an additional 5 minutes
  9. Let brownies cool completely before cutting

These brownies are so good and fudgy you won’t realize they are healthy and vegan too.  Don’t tell your friends until after they have tried them.  Enjoy!!

This recipe was created as part of a recipe contest with Forager Project. I thank them for the opportunity to create this yummy recipe for them and the free product they provided.

If you aren’t aware of Forager Project Products, they are always organic, always plant based, made from simple whole ingredients and they taste good. I know you can see why I like them! Find out where you get Forager Project Products in your area.

Here’s to your wellness!  ~Amy

What to give plant-based eating a try? Check out our meal plans here.