Falling temperatures and shorter days can zap your energy during the winter months. Many of us struggle with the dreaded afternoon energy slump, but in winter, it can feel as though this slumpiness (is that even a word) starts the moment you get out of bed and lasts all day long.

If you feel like this is you and it’s a major struggle to get out of bed in the morning and your energy and motivation never really get going, now is the perfect time to take action.

Try these tips to get your mojo back and give your energy levels a massive boost during the winter.

Stay Away From Winter Comfort Food

Cozy comfort food – you know the sweet kind, can make winter a whole heap more bearable, but it’s super unhelpful for your energy levels.

Sugary treats are the number one culprit for blood sugar spikes and crashes and having zero energy as a result.

If your diet tends to be high in sugar over the winter months, swap it for healthier choices that include protein and fiber that won’t crush your energy levels.

With the right foods, you can give your energy levels a huge boost and keep your mojo all winter.

Swap out the sugary treats that seem to be comforting for a balance of whole grain carbs, protein, and healthy fats to slow down the blood sugar drop and absorption of the carbohydrate. The end result? Your energy levels stay super stable, and energy crashes are a thing of the past. Here is a post I wrote a few months back to help with other foods that help with energy.

A great example of an afternoon snack that fits this bill is chocolate peanut butter on an apple. A sweet treat, with good fat, fiber, protein and whole food carb.

Eat Breakfast

Tempted to skip breakfast most mornings in favor of a slightly longer sleep? Struggling to get out of bed in time to eat a good breakfast can have a super important impact on your energy levels.

With a filling and nutritious breakfast, your body has an opportunity to refuel after a night without food and receive nutrients that help your mind and body function at their best.

A healthy breakfast that includes carbs, protein, fiber, and healthy fats will keep you feeling fuller for longer and keep your energy levels stable throughout the morning. (Oh wait, this sounds just like the afternoon snack suggestion.) Oatmeal drizzled with Greek yogurt and nut butter, avocado or peanut butter toast topped with chia/flax seeds, fruit and quinoa parfait (with Greek yogurt, nuts, and seeds) and egg spinach breakfast burritos are all yummy options for delicious and nutritious breakfast choices.

Stay Hydrated

Even mild dehydration can make you feel super tired. Staying hydrated is an easy way to make sure your energy levels don’t slump. I know what you are thinking, “how can water give me more energy?” But, let me be the first to tell you, YEP it’s TRUE! When you are hydrated, your body can use the macro- and micro- nutrients you take in through your food more efficiently.  We are made up of about 60% water and our cells need water to work.

If you’re not a big fan of water, sip on warm herbal teas or add some lemon. These have the bonus of helping you to feel perkier and more energized. Go for green tea, peppermint tea, or black tea for an energy boost and good hydration. But, don’t add any sweetener because your body will need to process that out and could very easily cause the afternoon slump.

Another think is that drinking lots of caffeinated beverages can also affect your energy. Caffeine gives you a quick energy boost in the short-term, which is quickly followed by an energy slump that can leave you feeling even more fatigued. It’s fine to have the odd caffeinated drink still — as long as you’re not relying on them to keep your energy levels up. Bear in mind too that caffeine isn’t very hydrating and can contribute to dehydration. Yep, it’s a vicious cycle.

Get Moving and Become More Active

Exercise may be one of the last things on your mind during the winter months, but it’s another way to keep your energy levels up.

Exercise boosts blood flow around the body and helps tissues to receive more oxygen. Aim for 30 minutes of moving your body at a moderate-intensity most days, if not every day for a regular energy boost.

As an added bonus, exercise also helps boost your mood — which can also have a knock-on effect on energy levels. When we are in a good mood, we always have more energy!

Stretch Regularly

Stretching your muscles may not seem like the most obvious way to boost your energy, but it’s a hugely underrated way to get a quick boost.

Stretching improves your circulation. If your muscles are on the tight side, it’ll help them to feel less tight. And because your body needs to use more energy for tighter muscles, helping them to be looser frees up more energy.

Starting off your morning with even a few minutes stretching is a super quick energy boost to prepare you for a busy day! You can even do this before you get out of bed.  Scooch down in the bed a bit and put your arms at your sides, point and flex your toes a few times then point your toes and lift your upper body as your fingers reach for your toes.  Another option can be to put your arms out like an airplane (If you have a bed partner, I would suggest you wait until they get up before you do this one – hahaha) and pull your knees up then ley them down to one side. Hold for a bit and then do the same on the other side. Obviously, if you get out of bed there are many more stretches you can do. Take 10-15 minutes each morning is a great way to start the day and give yourself a great energy boost.

Improve Your Gut Health

If you are lacking in energy every day, this is a good possibility that your gut needs some attention. An unhealthy gut can have a lot of negative effects on health and wellbeing, and it’s a big influence on energy levels. A healthy gut is super important for absorbing nutrients and getting energy from your food — which is also hugely vital for energy, of course!

If you’re regularly struggling with your energy levels, it could have a lot to do with your gut — especially if you’re also eating a lot of processed foods, more sugar than you should, not eating enough fresh fruits and veggies and not doing a lot of exercise in the winter months.

Probiotics can be super helpful for giving your gut a health boost. Foods with probiotic and prebiotic qualities are also a great move. Apples, bananas, leeks, garlic and onions are just a few examples of prebiotic foods that you may already be eating, and they can support your probiotic intake. Here you can find a list of a few more.

Here’s to your wellness and feeling super charges during the winter!  ~Amy