If you have SMART goals you will change your behavior, develop new habits and improve your health so much faster. Don’t we all want to improve our health faster?

We all need goals and when we are working on weight loss we need food goals, physical activity goals, weight loss goals, water consumption goals, sleep goals. Weight loss is about so many things. This is why weight loss isn’t the same for everyone and why it takes some time. It’s not just one thing that needs addressing.

Have you all heard of SMART goals?

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Realistic
  • Time-sensitive

So, let’s use “I want to add eating more veggies to my day” as an example because we all need to eat more veggies, even me. Now, that really isn’t a SMART goal. It is a general habit to develop but not a good goal. So, let’s make it SMART.

Specific—I want to add 2 additional cups of veggies to my dinner every night this week.

Measurable—yes, 2 cups is measurable. I will write down what veggies I do eat, how much I eat and what days I eat 2 cups.

Achievable – yes, unless I don’t have the veggies in the house, so I will go to the store and buy enough for the week.

Realistic – yes, 2 cups for 1 meal for 1 week. Unrealistic, 1 pound of veggies for 2 meals a day for the rest of my life.

Time-sensitive—yes, this week.

With weight loss, your goal weight needs to be realistic and this is usually the hardest for people to get their head around. This is because of shows like the Biggest Loser. Is that show even on any more? Slow steady loss is the best. In 12 weeks you could realistically lose 6-20 pounds. ½ pound or more per week but not more then 2 pounds per week.

Take a minute to write down your food and physical activity goals for this week. Share with me on Facebook one SMART goal you set for yourself this week. Saying it out loud sometimes helps with sticking to it!

Here’s to your wellness and reaching your goals!  ~Amy