Today’s Thursday Thought is Simple is Good. In our busy, social media driven world, things with our lives and our health seem to get complicated. There are so many times when life is full of tasks, busyness and over thinking. It’s time to take a step back and just Keep It Simple! Yesterday, I talked about just eating less at each meal and you will start to lose weight. This is keeping it simple.

Here are six other ways to keep it simple whether you are on a weight loss journey or not. The first is to replace one sweetened beverage a day with a glass of water. Before you know it, water will be your beverage of choice.

Instead of being overwhelmed by the idea of meditation, take 5 minutes, yes just 5 minutes to sit quietly by yourself. Before you know it, you will sit for 10 minutes, then 15 and look, you are meditating.

Or, instead of saying I don’t have time for exercise, I can’t add one more thing to my schedule, get up from your desk, shut off the television, or put down the book and go for a 10 minute walk every hour. Do this for 6 hours of your day and just like that you got in 60 minutes of exercise.

Keeping it simple makes improving your health and well-being so much easier!

What about my go to recommendation to eat half your plate full of veggies everyday. Maybe you are thinking, “Amy, ain’t nobody got time for that making salad every night!” Well, let’s keep it simple! Take an hour on the weekend (Saturday or Sunday -it doesn’t matter) and an hour on Wednesday and prep all your veggies for salads. Fill a Mason jar with your veggies, heavy cukes, carrots, celery on the bottom. Add some cooked beans next then your greens like romaine lettuce, spinach or baby kale and then sprinkle some nuts and seeds on top. Place in the fridge and you you have salad for three to four days. When you run out, take an hour and do the prep again. Simple!

Weight training…the thought of joining a gym to use weight machines…Oh my goodness, Amy have your lost you mind? Is that what you are thinking right now? How can we make this just as simple as the other tips here? While you are watching TV tonight, hold a can of veggies or soup and bicep curl it, 12-15 curls and switch hands for 15 minutes of the show. During the commercials, stand up and squat back down but don’t sit. Continue this for every commercial and sit when the show comes back on. Oh look, weight training without the gym.

One last tip because this post is long enough and you need to get on with your day. Getting enough good sleep can be a challenge with all of us having smartphones and tablets that emit the blue light that stimulates our brains to stay awake. Easy thing to do is shut off all your devices one hour before bed and dim the lights. (No I am not Ryan Seacrest – hahaha) This tells your brain it’s time to stop thinking and doing and it is time to recharge. Sleeping will be so much easier. See, simple!

I hope you found these simple tips helpful. Get inspiration and tips to transform your health, lose weight or just plain have increased well-being everyday by liking me on Facebook and following me on Twitter.